Coach Sam Pittman makes pitstop in Little Rock for Arkansas One Razorback Roadshow


LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – Wednesday Hogs fans packed Fassler Hall in Downtown Little Rock to enjoy some hog calls and an appearance from head football coach Sam Pittman.

It’s part of the Arkansas One Razorback Roadshow where coaches, a band, and of course Tusk make their way to cities across the state.

It’s a call known all around the state and has a fanbase that is loyal and true.

"In the 24 years that we have been season ticket holders, I can count on one hand the number of games we have missed, and one was for the birth of our child," Hogs fan Alecia Hamilton said.

"Hog fan all my life. born and raised in Arkansas and I love Sam Pittman and I love the Razorbacks," Hogs fan Jim Dornblaser said.

The Arkansas One Razorback Roadshow made a pitstop in Little Rock, to mingle with fans from all across the state, with the one and only head football Coach Sam Pittman.

"It's great. we see them in the stands, but we don't ever really get to meet face-to-face and visit," stated Pittman.

Coach Pittman got to mingle with fans and answer questions about football.

"You know Arkansas is very unique and you know the fans and the people are what makes it special and it's really nice to come out here and kinda give back to the folks that spend their hard-earned money to come see us,” Pittman said.

Tomorrow they will be making their way to Hot Springs. To find out more, visit

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