Study shows Arkansas seventh in the country for job resignations


LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – Arkansas is one of the national leaders for job resignation, according to a study released Wednesday.

The consumer finance site WalletHub ranks Arkansas at seven out of the 50 states and the District of Columbia for job resignations. The study looked at two measures, the number of job resignations in the last month and the number of resignations in the last year.

Arkansas had a 3% resignation rate in the past month and a 3.23% rate for the last year leading to its ranking.

Study authors said the resignation rate reflects what is being called the “Great Resignation“ as a surge of workers leaving their jobs is underway nationally. They said that factors include rising inflation and career tracks impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.

Louisiana leads the nation in resignations, followed by South Carolina. Massachusetts is at the bottom of the list with the fewest resignations.

Labor experts point to fundamental factors in the Great Resignation. Burnout from an unstable workload was one factor, combined with the pandemic creating an opportunity for people to find higher salaries in other industries.

According to a state Division of Workforce Services spokesperson, Arkansas set a record-low 3% unemployment rate for March. The previous all-time low was March-April 2022 at 3.1%. 

from KARK

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